Hopi Nation
Jocelyn “Honani” Vote “Kocha Hon
Mana” (White Bear Girl), member of the Water Clan and Bear Clan,
was born in Yuma Arizona in 1962 into the Hopi Nation.
The Continuance of ancient traditions of her people are extremely important
to her, being that she is a teacher by profession. This is a very enjoyable
hobby for her to relax with.
Jocelyn is the only one of a handful of female artist hand carving Kachina
Dolls to date. She specializes in hand carved Hopi Kachina Dolls carved
out of cottonwood root. She began her curiosity at the age of 7, being
inspired by her late Uncle Hubert Honani, who also was a very talented
Hopi Kachina carver. Her Kachinas have become highly detailed since
the age of 19 when she began carving them.
There are over 300 known kachinas from the Hopi Reservation alone. Kachinas
are believed to be the spiritual guardians of the Indian way of life,
and they are also used in certain religious ceremonies. It is extremely
important that you don’t offend kachinas.
When carving a kachina you must represent them very accurately.
Jocelyn signs her work as: Kocha Hon Mana, which is her Hopi Indian
name, followed by a bear paw to denote her Clan origin.
Jocelyn is related to: Aaron & Ernest Honani, who are her cousins,
and also to the late Hubert Honani (uncle).
-1996 Gallup Intertribal 3rd Place
-1996 New Mexico State Fair 3rd Place
-1997 New Mexico State Fair 3rd Place
-1998 New Mexico State Fair 2nd Place
-August 1998 Featured artist on internet