Jemez Pueblo
Mary Small, “Kal-la-Tee”, (New Indian
Basket), was born into the Jemez Pueblo in 1945 to Seriaco and Perfectita
Toya, all members of the Sun Clan.
Mary learned the art of traditional pottery making by assisting her
mother. Mary was schooled in the “old way” of pottery making,
and has mastered the art of processing clay from the earth, hand coiling
and then the outdoor firing.
Mary and her husband experimented with natural paints to come up with
her unique blue/gray slip and burnt red/orange designs. Mary prays to
her pots at each stage of the clay process.
She was quoted as saying, “When my pottery is finished they are
blessed, they have power.”
She believes they will bring good luck to all who purchase her pottery.
Mary feels that Native Americans have a special responsibility to protect
the larger society from its own lack of harmony with nature, and the
best way to help is to continue being faithful to their heritage. She
is also afraid of changes that may dilute the traditional ways of her
-Southern Pueblo Pottery 2,000 Artist Biographies
-Southwest Pottery Anasazi to Zuni
-Santa Fe Visitor Guide 1998
-Santa Fe Indian Market, 1st place 1981
-Fine Arts Enterprises Show at Mesa Verde Co
-Eight Northern Pueblo Indian Arts show
-Heard Museum Shop Phoenix
-1999 Powwhatan Renape Nation Juried Indian Arts Festival 1st Place
-Others too numerous to list